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Image by Sharon McCutcheon

Is it ok to pursue a career in the entertainment industry?

That’s a good question.

One thing that we need to keep in mind while we talk about the entertainment industry is that, it mostly is oriented to create and promote content which many a times are in direct conflict with Biblical and Christian ideologies.

That does not mean it is entirely wrong – but in most cases the content isn’t something that will be beneficial for the spiritual health of a person – but inturn damaging. Using our talents, time and energy to have a career in such an industry with the wrong goals is not right.

Having said that, if you are really good at and passionate about areas like video editing, sound engineering and similar stuff and feel to pursue it as a career – get trained and go ahead! The whole point is to answer the question, why you want to do what you want to do. As a Christian, pursuing a particular career just to get fame and reputation isn’t a good enough reason. The purpose of choosing any career path should be much greater and definitely God-glorifying.

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