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Image by Ravi Pinisetti

Where does a believer go to after death? Paradise or heaven?

Thank you for the question. Do read the article in the recommended answer to understand what Paradise is. After our death, our souls will be in Paradise if we are a born again believer who has put their trust in Jesus Christ. It is not an eternal destination, but a temporary place. But yes, there too we are in the presence of God. But after the final resurrection, our physical bodies will also be raised and glorified - and it is this glorified body that will be in the new heavens and the new earth (Rev 20-21). There is a reunion of our souls and our glorified bodies that'll happen. In conclusion, A believer goes to paradise(which is similar to heaven in being the presence of God), but even in that blissful state we are awaiting the final resurrection and glorification of our bodies, judgment before Christ(where we'll receive our rewards) and eternal dwelling in the new heaven and new earth, where we'll be with the Lord forever and ever.

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