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Image by Tolga Ulkan

How can we stop the spirit of envy in our lives to express true love with our brothers and sisters? Because even if we try sometimes envy comes into our way.

Envy is a big struggle that can take us off track.

I would like to give you a few important reminders.

1. The standards that we are pursing are set by God. So we definitely need a divine assistance to overcome these struggles. So, instead of trying it all on our own, seek God's help.

2. Phil 2:3 - gives us a good tip on a changed perspective. "Let each esteem others better than himself." So this is something that we can constantly pray for, that we are able to consider someone else more important and significant than we are. As i mentioned during the study, putting others ahead of you. When our hearts are transformed in that manner, we will not feel bad if others are having what we don't have, since we are in a true sense, seeking other person's good than ours.

3. This is not a one day thing. 2 Peter 1:5-7, tells us that we should be diligent to add these spiritual qualities to our christian life.
Which means, even when it is hard, we remind ourselves of the commands of God when we are tempted to envy or hate someone else. This is something we will have to do with perseverance since it is a gradual process.

4. So as a Christian, does it mean that you'll never struggle with envy?
No! But, we have a new way of responding to this struggle. For example, the next time i hear of someone i know gets a grand house, and if I suddenly smell envy in my heart - i should remind myself and tell - That person is somebody more significant than me (Phil 2:3), I have a duty to seek His good (Vs 4), I am already blessed with a lot of things and an unchanging identity (1 Pet 2:9) etc... I am not feeding envy, but fighting it. This gradual process of letting the scriptures transforming our hearts through reading and applying is what it means to have our minds renewed. So, remember that you are step by step becoming less like the selfish you and more selfless like our Savior Jesus.

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