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Image by Ishan @seefromthesky

I play a game or maybe I might even be addicted to it. It is a game based on cultivation, decorating your town and being the Mayor. Hence, not a violent game. Is it ok to keep playing that game or should I drop it?

Thank you for the question.
There are two things you mentioned in the question.
1. The type of game - it isn't violent - which is a good thing.
2. You think you maybe even addicted to it. That is something that should be concerning for you. Since you yourself feel convicted about it, it is God's way of warning that maybe it is something that'll eventually end up taking a lot of your time. So take a close look or if you strongly think so, cut it.
A good thing to remember is that, if a thing(even if something harmless) takes up too much of our time, it is harmful for us and will affect our productivity. The time given to us is precious and God expects us to make the most of our time.
Do watch the short video given in the description.

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