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Image by Ishan @seefromthesky

Is it ok for Christians to drink alcohol / vine?

Thank you for the question.
Do take a look at the video link that is recommended. A clear picture about what the Bible says about alcohol is given.
Personally, I wouldn't recommend drinking alcohol to a Christian because of the following reasons.
1. Alcohol is something that's addictive - this leads to drunkenness... Drunkenness is clearly condemned by the Bible. Why should I as a Christian, do something which makes it easier for me to sin rather than not sin? The rule is avoid sin and not play around with it.
2. Alcohol has the capacity to destroy lives and relationships - Numerous families have been broken, children and women abused and much more damage has been done because of alcoholism. I would not want to promote the use of it, even by taking it in moderate amounts. For a greater good, that is helping people come out of such addictions and for peaceful homes - I'd happily not drink alcohol. It has a great potential to become an idol or evil - so I think abstinence is a more wise thing to do.
3. This is a stumbling block to many. My total abstinence from alcohol is a great encouragement to someone who is trying to come out of this addiction or to not return to their old habit of drunkenness. (1 Cor 8:9-13) When I love God, giving up a type of drink - for the sake of my brother in Christ is something I would do joyfully.

Having said this, you can read the article in the link - and will hopefully have a clear answer. God bless.

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