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Image by Ishan @seefromthesky

Is it wrong to watch movies?

Before getting into an answer, something I would like to bring clarity to is the understanding of movies. Definitely as you already know, movies are of all kinds – you have secular ones, Christian ones, horror, Romance this and that. And I will not be able to tell you which movie you should watch and shouldn’t. But there are some standards that we need to keep in mind when we talk about these things.

1. What type of content am I watching?
In Phil 4:8, the bible lays a good standard for the things we consume – be it songs, movies, videos etc... Is what you’re watching benefiting you spiritual? Are those things that I am watching true? Did it help me in any manner to take a step in my spiritual walk? Did it cause any hindrance in my relationship with God? Did what I watch promote something which the Bible does not support? Did what I watch cause any unnecessary triggers in my mind? These are some example questions, but read the verse and you’ll be able to come up with more filtering questions.
2. How much time is it costing me?
Time is that resource we have and are accountable for in the site of God. How much time do we spend for watching these movies and web series etc? Is there something that I should have done, which I didn’t do since I spend my time for watching a movie? Is it becoming a habit or addictive?

Famous author and blogger Tim Challies in his article gives a good tip –
"Now here’s the thing: Unless you are careful and deliberate, you will find that the things God is unlikely to use so quickly and easily displace the things God is far more likely to use. Those easy and attractive things that are fun, that demand no effort, that keep you squarely in your comfort zone, and that trigger all the brain’s pleasure centers—these can keep you from doing what ultimately counts for so much more. It’s not that there is no room for games and pleasure and fun in the Christian life, but that the Christian life is not meant to be all games, pleasure, and fun. We’ve got too much to accomplish for that, too serious a mission, and too short a time. - Give the Lord a lot to work with while you're young."

Being a Christian, it is important for us to engage in activities that are purposeful - not the ones that will take us away from our God given purposes. And most movies in the market today have the potential to become a hindrance for our walk with God.

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