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Friends on a Mountain

Is it wrong to have a crush on someone?

So... Crush!
Many of us wonder whether it is wrong to have a crush on someone. Well, what do we mean when we say we have a crush on someone.
Our school days are times when we get to know a lot of people around us and also make a lot of friends (and some of them for a lifetime!)
And yes, while we make friends, there are some people from our opposite gender we might feel more impressed by. Yes, we tend to feel something a little extra special about them and for them. Maybe you tend to even feel a little bit of shyness or nervousness while thinking about them or talking to them or about them. That shows that you are in a way attracted to them - something about them makes you attracted to them - usually their looks, or their behaviour towards you or certain qualities you found in them.
So, then comes the question, is this sort of attraction wrong?
What we should understand is having a crush or an attraction towards someone is not wrong - that's a feeling that we all would experience(I have!). But what is wrong, is what we do with it. We should be able to understand what infatuation/crush is and how it is different from love. Infatuation is just a feeling that's short lived and is driven by our own selfish requirements and needs. Infatuations happen when we are flooded by our own emotions and feelings. So, is it a good idea to go ahead at this point when we are really high on our own temporary feelings? No!
When we misinterpret infatuation for love - we tend to get into a relationship we are not ready for, and end up hurting ourselves and others in the process. Identifying these short term feelings rightly, will help us to avoid getting into those wrong and unnecessary relationships.
As a young person in school, it is always good and necessary for us to stay focused on our responsibilities of studying, planning about our future, growing spiritually etc. If we misinterpret our feelings and take crucial decisions based on that, then we will end up paying a price for it.

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