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Image by Kelly Sikkema

How was God created ? I know everyone says that God created himself but how? Is it mentioned anywhere in the Bible of how God was created ?

Thanks for the question. When we talk about God's eternal nature, we need to keep in mind that it is a concept beyond the imagination and full comprehension of a human mind. To answer the question - Who created God, we need to first understand what eternal means. I'll quote Dr David Jeremiah - "Though the concept of eternity is beyond imagining, we can attempt a definition. The eternity of God refers to His existence backward throughout time and beyond, further than we can imagine, and forward into the future, as far as we can imagine and beyond. God never had a beginning and will never have an ending. There never was a time when He was not, and there will never be a time when He ceases to be."1 The Bible begins by saying, "In the Beginning God..."(Genesis 1:1) - And that Beginning was the beginning of everything - and God was the reason for something happening in that beginning. The Bible does not say how or when God created Himself(The Bible does not say that God created Himself), because, God does not have a beginning. He was always there and will always be there! So when we talk about God, we should always remember that we are talking about a being who always existed and never needed any cause to start to existing. In fact, the question "who created God" is not a fully correct question, if we were to consider the eternal nature of God, since if somebody created this God, it would mean that He is not eternally existing(which contradicts the very definition of God) and also that the somebody else who created this God is a greater being than God. To know more about the eternal nature of God, do read the full article given below. God bless.

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