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Image by Kelly Sikkema

What does it mean to quench the Spirit?

1 Thess5:19......means putting out the fire...
Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, describes the Holy Spirit like a fire that can be quenched. Like fire in a fireplace, the Holy Spirit’s power can be strengthened or snuffed out in our lives.
The Spirit obviously desires to work in your life and in your church. To use Paul’s metaphor or analogy, the Spirit is like a fire whose flame we want to be careful not to quench or extinguish. The Holy Spirit wants to intensify the heat of his presence among us, to inflame our hearts and fill us with the warmth of his indwelling power.
We can quench by working in such a way that the Spirit cannot operate in our lives and the Church as He should.
It may be through legalism, not talking or representing Him correctly, despising His works , Not allowing spontaneity (stopping inspiration) , preventing Gifts from working etc etc.
The Spirit will talk to us about it but, we can sin by not hearing the warning of the Spirit, by repeatedly continuing in the sin.
Through repentance though, the fire can be reignited. Through turning back to the fuel of God’s Word, the Spirit can burn again and cause us to love God with our hearts, souls, minds, and strength.

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