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Does "Good things come to those who wait"?

Is waiting Good?

Does "Good things come to those who wait"?

We all wait for some good things to happen or get some good things in our life. It can be us waiting for the our exams to finish, and vacations starting or waiting to get better while we are sick or to get a new dress or a gadget as a gift. Usually, not all good things come just like that, but requires us to wait. But at the same time, we see that there are people who want good things to happen, yet even after a long time of waiting it doesn’t happen. It’s a very hopeful thing to say, but it needn’t necessarily be true in all cases. There are people hurting with sickness, whose sickness may not pass in their lifetime.
The Bible has a very hopeful verse about people who are waiting – “Wait on the LORD: Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: Wait, I say, on the LORD”(Psalm 27:4). This is very different from the first kind of waiting. A person waiting on the Lord, will always have good ending because such a person doesn’t know what the good outcome is, but knows that what God brings is the best thing. This may be sometimes very different from a worldly person’s desired outcome. A person who trusts God while he has a terminal sickness, knows that even if the healing doesn’t happen, he will be with the Lord once he dies. His sufferings are done with and he is with the One he loves. And in the time of waiting on the Lord, God teaches His children valuable lessons, works on their character and transforms them to be more Christ – like. The waiting time is not a wasted time.
For a believer, it isn’t about getting exactly what he or she wants, but waiting on the Lord for God’s will to be done. He trusts and knows that whatever God allows in his life will be for his spiritual wellbeing and good. So, we may not able to say that good things will definitely come those who wait, but we can say that good things will surely come to those who wait on the Lord.

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