Go ahead. God is with you! - Is it ok to say that?
Go ahead?

The Bible mentions in various places where God promises to be with His people and us. Yes, God will go with us. (Matthew 28:20, Joshua 1:5,9, Hebrews 13:5, Genesis 28:15) But there is a very important thing we mustn’t forget. God never says that He will be with us, when we do things our own way. He never promises to be with someone ungodly. In fact, when the Israelites sinned against God – God allowed them to go through defeat with different nations in battle. (You can read 1 Samuel 4, Joshua 7)
In the Bible, God makes it very clear that He is a God who loves and cares for His people and goes with His people. But whenever there is sin in our lives, God withdraws because He is Holy and does not tolerate sin. Instead of assuming that God is with us – it is always good to check our lives and see if there is something that hurts Him in our life, and repent and remove it from our lives.
So the next time we say the statement, God is with you – think about the person to whom you are speaking (believer or non-believer), the thing they are getting into(check for selfish agenda/motive and also whether they are doing what is pleasing to God. If we are doing what God wants us to do – we can have the surety that God will be there with us.