Try and try till you succeed – is it from the bible?
Try or not?

Many of us have a habit of giving up easily when something is hard. It is always a good thing to keep trying. It was really difficult for me when I started learning to play guitar – but eventually it got easier as I kept trying and trying. In somethings we attempt to do, we may not succeed in the first try – but may have to keep trying. But many a times, we tend to give up when we find that something is really hard to do.
The Bible does talk a lot about perseverance – but this specific statement is not from the Bible. As believers, we are asked to persevere in our spiritual life.(2 Peter 2:5-8) We are asked to keep moving forward towards Christ and try to imitate Christ.(Hebrews 12:1,2) Jesus very well knew that it isn’t going to be easy for us to imitate Him, and hence He has given us the Holy Spirit, so that we will not do it with our strength alone. Also, if we go off track and fail, we can go repent, confess our sins and get right with God and keep trying again.
As much as perseverance is important, when we apply this quote “Try and try till you succeed” in everything we do without checking whether what we are trying to do is the right thing, it may result in a lot of wasted time. It is good to take some practical steps to know our strong and weak areas, skills and talents, the needs around us. This will help to ensure that we are persevering to do what is relevant and right. And yes, keep at it till you make it!