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Holy Bible

Which is a good place to start reading the Bible from?

Bible is an amazing and unique book!
A quality of the Bible is that it has different kinds of books within it. The different authors under God's inspiration expressed themselves in different literary styles. Hence we have poetic books, prophetic books, narratives, letters, books of law and wisdom books. Some are easier to understand while others are not really easy to understand.
For a beginner who wants to read through the Bible, a good place to start is the Gospel of Mark(or any of the 4 Gospels because they are narratives and talk about the life and ministry of Jesus on earth). From there we can go to the letters written to the churches. The book of Acts talks about the ministry of the disciples of Jesus and beginning of the church. Once you move to the Old Testament, Genesis would be a good place to begin.
Also, another helpful thing to do while reading the Bible is to get an idea of the book that you are reading. We do have study Bibles which will give an overview of the book before the book. Understanding the purpose of a book helps us to read it the right way. The more you read it, the more familiar you'll become.
The amazing thing about the Bible is the fact that irrespective of the literary styles and different kinds of authors, it points us towards one person - Jesus Christ. The whole of the Bible from the beginning to the end is about Jesus. When we keep that in mind and read the Bible prayerfully, you are sure to enjoy reading it and be blessed.

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